
be here.

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1 comment:

mostlyferal said...

Inform 7 code:

"Be Here" by "Myself"

The Here is a room. "Here." The There is north of the Here. The There is east of the Here. The There is west of the Here. The There is south of the Here. The There is northeast of the Here. The There is northwest of the Here. The There is southwest of the Here. The There is southeast of the Here.

The self is a man in the Here. The description is "Yourself." Understand "me" as the self.

The other is a man in the There. The description is "Another." Understand "him" as the other. Understand "her" as the other.

Instead of examining or listening to the other:
if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds then say "The other says: 'could it be that the thought clouds are forming so that i might read them?.'"; otherwise say "The other says: 'hell, best intentions & supper keeps one's clothes on.'"

Instead of examining the self:
say "You see yourself looking at yourself."

Instead of telling the self about something: say "You already knew all about that."

Instead of telling the other about something: say "You are silent instead."

Instead of doing something other than being here, going, telling, looking, examining: say "You don't."

Being here is an action applying to nothing. Understand "Be here" as being here.