
second question

poured my coffee
before he asked

& suddenly i’m
a day & part of

everything ......’s hard to

will rise

do here

will set



true soil

of providence

you must toil

the necessary

because it will
be a question





more & same

the porchlight

askew in

the morn & i

in love with order &


a soul isolate

i have such fear

to define

of separating




artists in
love order symmetry
our work defines
single things

we, the named in love seem vowelled, glean

now being
already all
i do

clean down that way the spine, the hook preened and booked

natural little
a question of
giving strength brilliant sun

And so the smaller becomes the letter.
Because better will be blue in fruit

what wanted

coming's up morn I slight more & to same


sci fi scene

"this alien just called out
jesus christ! as a curse! that fear should be
here is the greatest break a serendipitous syllable
through since we found the o captain, o christ, my feast
fuckers." where did they take my face?
where did they make it?
how did they not know
i sured fear in the dark
a mouth is a universal organ
and bounds out the hatch
from the mess, echoes down
the corridor, horrified that
any of the crew could shortly
not know.


daily nest

glass soaks up constancy, usefulness of
being relies often on ability
to be

reused the appearance of eggs
to be hidden.
the tedious retypes

i exaggerate, i sometimes make changes
to the subject, but i don't invent the whole. i
find it. but to be untangled in the real
world. there arguments
whether what is
found is made that

is what found always

something must have happened

desert adulthood

wild pigeons on wires

house brick

window screens

and coos, my young droves

sweet stall




secure: thru window latch breaks &
light on going. the sun was in a box
of disease we open & out it came
all the soldiers crates. many

envelope: transparency seen useful in
hiding the insect among the obviously
we are to rely on the motion of things
to tell us what survives. what is leaf.
what is food. what left to kill. paper
cut. beaks.



you in dark blue, the blind
river comin', the round back are
gosp-ol' singing on, that the raft
lap you to the first go, the gotta
lapping the her then the lap thru to
day downriver, to the water, to
lethe on the other leaving, side
seen not leaving, cloth i have
touch yet father, don't my
sing love me, but me


rise again

blue blind in the dark you
are comin' back round the river
on the raft, singing that ol' gosp—
you gotta go to the, & first the lap
her lap, thru to the, then the lapping
water & down to the river to, day
on the other side, leaving lethe,
leaving cloth, i have not seen
my father yet, don't touch
me, but love me sing


separation anxiety

the haunting dirigible, there
was only so much time before
the silver was done collecting
& then the exposure to light
light grey, grey, & grey there
is not much difference between
the sky, the sea, the skin full
of whales, our floating on the
line between. the motion weights.


spit, spin—the economy—
dummy—crick in distant

—whistle down in
coming—brick specks—away
one extended ricochet—

entitlement—see cracks—
see b) defunds department—

he overseas—



the green nick @
neck, moss on
the bricks, we
fill in the
weren't & why.
the sun cuts.


well,   we    get   so
tired in the evenings
now. have i told you
i wake up every day
with a nail right
in the T3? i eye
the percocet withall
the old lust
full half-hours
turning soil


what white will w/ you

and take to be taken & cloudy
the sky filling its glass, yr ears

learn the necessary horn, the
flapping stars in the lake & bacon.

please find these socks to be
self-evident, all dead created

equal. the cow's in the corn.
sing the blues. tie yr trues.



rain late. be raised.
pins in the body. eat
light. like light speed.
be low. lowed. & talk.
or mend. or rain.

magic i

ed raining belated raining belated raining belat
ack ark prays black ark pray black dark pray bla
y of pins in body of pins i body of spins i body
vity well at gravity well a gravity swell a grav
peated period repeated period repeated period re
bit end think orbit end thin orbit bend thin orb
whole muses the whole muse the whole amuses the
enses holes of senses hole of senses whole of se
low light speed low light speed low light speed
wn in angers drown in anger drown in danger drow
vity wallowed cavity wallows cavity swallows cav
mory talkings memory talking memory stalking mem
self met ending self met ending self met ending



The City of Petaluma is located approximately 35 miles northwest of San Francisco, in southwestern Sonoma County, California. The city limits encompass approximately 13 square miles situated in the upper Petaluma River watershed. The City’s storm sewer system consists of ditches, natural and improved channels, pipes, and culverts, all discharging into the Petaluma River and its tributary creeks.

The Petaluma River Watershed supports beneficial uses for cold and freshwater habitat, fish migration, preservation of rare and endangered species, fish spawning, wildlife habitat, and contact and non-contact water recreation. Impacts from urban growth, construction, land development, atmospheric deposition, and agricultural activities contribute a variety of pollutants to the surface water runoff, resulting in the listing of the Petaluma River on the 2002 Clean Water Act’s Section 303(d) list for nutrients, pathogens, and sediment.

The Federal Clean Water Act requires operators of small municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) to comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) regulation. The San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board) is the regulatory agency having national NPDES permit oversight authority for Petaluma. The City’s Storm Water Management Plan was adopted by the City Council in March 2003 to comply with the NPDES permit requirements. The Storm Water Program is responsible for implementation of the Storm Water Management Plan. During the initial permit term, the City’s Storm Water Management Plan will focus efforts and resources on best management practices (BMPs) that address the reduction of nutrients, pathogens, and sediment in the City’s storm water

my proposal

critical thinking is essential for
emotionally intelligent and responsibly
managed leadership and morale leaderly
cognitive confidence concrete problem
purposeful reasoned goal-directed
personal professional constitutes
maturity technical tactical knowledge-
based career path communication
development therefore gentlemen



in so much as so let
me see if i understand
you & what comes next is to
be preceded by but not
necessarily the same as the
third option entirely my
opinion naturally & not
dependent on but having
to do with the falling of
snow its sticking
to the streets

pi day card











a full weekend of work to do for having put it off all week and now saturday morning look what i am doing

"Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier." -- Colin Powell

you are made up blocks each
everything i always wrong.

you are not a fucking prophet you
can't say fuck in prophecies fucker.

the head will work to be body the
limbs will suck at organs my
blood is always hurriedly bored.

sign in the perpetual reel hope
dragged back at you circuit
of single twos of arms.



stop wasting, it said, yr
time, it said, get, it
said, then a life, what w/
the pact w/ the astronaut
& the noiseless falling, first
the eating, then of dinner
the lying in bed, stop, it
said, the wasting, it said, then
its own love for the trees &
the naked. the kissed & the


gradual studies

snail, pushing,
had read and parsed the formal proof of dayhood
in infancy a long tail bent along its path
linearly dries

rotates by earth crust axis and complete
the snailsphere
at seam-met feet

rippling juggle platonic
forms (apparition on special film)
an untested methodism, slowness, reremembering

prepare something. something gaps eaten. think
enveloping eating, corporaton. taking on
a bright surface's shape piecemeal


thickening of traffic & punchy
trees. the leaving of clear
prints on each object: glass
bowl, spoon, spent. the first
moments spent reinhabitating.
the baker: a series of colored eggs
are cooked directly into the
bread. the sign of again &


3/11th heaven

suspect the basques in these attacks
call off ceasfire see what transpire
dole the blames derailing trains
adverse selection impends election
agitprop arty showers peoples party
lata, alli-qaeda


null scheme

(define (see self)
(if (null? self) (imagine self) self)

(define (imagine self)
(define (imagine) (see self))

(define (know self)
(apply (see self) self)


the keyboard gets its callouses
from me. again the blood flow
particularly unseasonably high & the
receding wet snow pact. this $100
then $108, inflatable winter, the
monitor comes with its own place
settings. next the watching of
food while it eats.


all due dispatch

ma'am, i will not sleep well. i am sorry for making of myself a killing machine. at home i promise to drink Budweiser and have trouble getting it up. improvisation or overthinking. there is a store sign here in English which is mostly for us Marines. there are weeks of boredom and improvised signs and then moments of terror we sleep through. the locals buy fruits from outdoor stands. if you'll get up and come with me we'll see the construction. i love my wife and imagine cheating, i imagine she cheats. the high city is the direction the artillery thumps. double back. we don't pray for death but forget to avoid it. some welcome ourselves.

too many at night

asleep in his tent
on his clot, the
soldier, his knife
sleep, sweet his dears
but drops &
stars, those stars
who're out &
crashing, punched thru
an apology.



you can, while you're sleeping
feel for an extra eyelid, put on
the goggles. it is vestry, that is
vestigial, the need to see
in water, in air, @
night all is green &
groaning with light
quiet bombs. the whistling
of far away, the
whistling for your dog
twitching in his dream.


are you sleep yet
closen eyes and
dream our you

darken father
belly rub and
starry say

fencing post and
blurring gallop
horsen down

feather moon
curlen bug




bad boy buzz cut


a star

relinquish pattern



disturbed stone

overall buttons



& good night & sweet
moon & put yr dream
out & sleep moon & good
light & put the night
out & slip light & sweet
tight & sleep kite

should moon, should glide
should lend, should flight



our city in one of its stories is
healed off smote my right ear hush
not a word in wind blows over rock
with a corresponding kiss of when
the flagpole breaks in words as
witnesses swords and fall skin said
down will come unto it is enough


no, tell me again the passage of
white, and tell me again weather or

i am made of correspondense or
i am made of laudry or not

the position of the utility easement is noted
by powerlines visible in the aerial photograph

skin is known by its bones or
cities are formed in their telling



hush & buy you, & mockingbird
you sing, but only what yr told &
keep yr eye on that flag, still high, buy
& buy you & horse & cart & yr only
as good as what you sell to what
you buy next, o sweet economy, o
sweet town, still favored & filled
with apples.


radioactive king props a half-sphere
of beryllium precariously over the
core. prima nocta of our particulate
end. court-in-waiting goes back in during
the predicted interval, the long
indeterminate slip of another half away



bitter pain, like a wind,
don't tell me you don't have
sickness, in yr bones,
yr time is yr head pressed
in glittering tunnel, stitches,
this acute moment to consider
one more last finger tap, tap,
pull yrself together little bat
descending canopy of qualia, cloud,
tell me again about the passage of
white, weather


pickup game

sickbone & stitch, hard
swallowed, bird burdening.
the homecoming stone
tied on, a little night
parade & ghostly tuba.
the trees struggle to get
their clothes on & there
are always flags & hardly
any wind & any winnings.



go to sleep little radio
little turtle, little shell
shine in yr sleep & gleam
little bomb, little song
yr time has come to listen
yr time has come to fall
come yr babies, yr cradles


this is Ben Bringemhome saying
g'nite to all you fine fellas
and lady friends, batten the blinds
down good when the sirens call
and give them dreamkrauts the old
one-two for me, for everyone on
the home front pulling together
the airwave engine tracers and
dull distant thuds, the
rubble jumps together
the dust a couple of us
wail echoes off the basement
brick, and rest
silent displaced trans
missions, this is Ben, this is
the end, where we say g'nite, tune in



ya think ya got me, well
whataya say i think i got ya
this gun in my pocket says ya
says ya got me, well ya think
good, well ya thin glass can't
hold me, ya think so, ya breaking
cases to break faces to me ya
think, the light's already done that
done ya thinking, done ya
breaking and the sun

the night the sun fell

midnight neon'd office in
venetian slat strobe my hard boil in
walked most knock'd out ever seen. mister
well wouldn't've knowing now not
known then, how. sidekick cartoon or shaded
face, flatheads forehead wrinkles. rangout.
a brim and streetlamplight and badge our ends
undoing doing the lily-liver'd picture
developed. yowzer it's me.



to carry an earth for a head, the ocean for a face

once the suit goes on, there's no power to take it off

this plug is for my heart. and this for my numbers

digital displays of the undoing, which is ungoing

a smear or a streak. a star. a snow. a field. a float.

there is a fumbling with the lock while holding the lilies.