why e seed ef my ebbreveeteen de
shert thengs ceme te these whe
staap. stappad alang tha lana
davadar tha angana adlas ap alang
tho broon stom of tho coty's
ortorool thomp. tomo hos gono
in tii ling nit ti tirn i cirnir
siin. timi ti sit thi blinkir in
und thu tuduuus ducusuun: tuwurd
thu wuthdruwung ur uncumung?
why i said of my abbreviation do
short things come to those who
stoop. stopped along the lane
divider the engine idles up along
the brain stem of the city's
arterial thump. time has gone
on too long not to turn a corner
soon. time to set the blinker on
and the tedious decision: toward
the withdrawing or oncoming?